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Failed Hypospadias Repair Reasons To Get A Second Opinion

Failed Hypospadias Repair? Reasons to Get a Second Opinion

Around one in 150 children is born with the urological anomaly hypospadias. This is the most common urinary condition across the world, marginally after congenital condition of undescended testicles. The poor surgical techniques and unavailability of specialised care lead to a failed hypospadias surgery, compounding the challenges even more. Getting a second opinion for failed hypospadias repair from a specialised surgeon is crucial to paving the way for your child’s happier and healthier tomorrow.

In this blog, we will discuss common signs and symptoms of failed hypospadias surgery and reasons to seek a second opinion. We will also know the tips to find the right specialist and what to expect during the second opinion consultation.

Concerned About Your Child's Urinary Health?

I am here to assist you with your child's urinary concerns.

A] Understanding Hypospadias And Its Repair

Hypospadias is a congenital condition in a male child that dislocates the usual opening of the urethra. The opening develops somewhere towards the lower surface of the penis, perineum, or scrotum. It is one of the most common urological conditions and may pose difficulties in infant care. However, a hypospadias repair surgery with specialised care can treat this congenital condition and restore the normal penile structure of your child.

B] Common Signs And Symptoms Of Failed Hypospadias Surgery

Hypospadias surgery aims to correct the abnormal placement of the urethral opening on the underside of your child’s penis. However, poor surgical techniques and bad hypospadias post-operative care may lead to failed hypospadias repair despite advancements in surgical technologies. Some of the common signs and symptoms are:

1. Painful Urination

Painful urination, also known as dysuria, may be caused due to scar tissue formation or urethra narrowness during surgical procedures. Painful urination also indicates that healing of the urethra is not completed yet or there may be an obstruction in the urethra tract. 

2. Narrow Strain

A narrow urinary stream is a common hypospadias surgery complication and may indicate a structure deformity in the urethra. Poor surgical techniques cause narrowing of the urethra gland which restricts the natural flow of urination. Furthermore, it reduces the flow of urine which can be visually observed as a thin or weak stream. 

3. Pressure During Urination

The blockage and narrowed urethra obstruct the natural flow of urination, leading to increased effort or strain during urination. Your child may feel the need to push harder to pass urine. The increased pressure may lead to discomfort and further complications. 

4. Urinary Tract Infection

Repeated urinary tract infection or UTI might be a sign of incomplete hypospadias repair. UTIs occur due to the frequent exposure of the urinary tract to bacteria. In addition, UTIs can happen more easily if urine is not expelled efficiently due to blockage or structures. 

5. Urine Leakage

Urine leakage after hypospadias surgery may be the result of improper healing or issues with newly created urethral openings. Improper healing creates the inability to control the urine flow and thus urine leakage occurs.  The leakage of urine from a newly built tract or previous penile orifice indicates the hypospadias repair failure.

C] Reasons To Seek A Second Opinion

If your child is experiencing any of the above-discussed signs or symptoms, it’s time to seek a second opinion.  Now, it is essential to consult an experienced and renowned hypospadias surgeon to mitigate any further hypospadias surgery risks and complications. These are some other reasons to seek a second opinion:

1. Ensuring Accurate Diagnosis

A renowned hypospadias surgeon has specialised technologies and experience to diagnose the causes of failure accurately. The correct diagnosis of failure reasons will give you peace of mind and ensure that you get the right treatment. Apart from that, it should be noted that hypospadias surgery age groups are between six months to one year. Therefore parents must seek the right treatment options within the time range to mitigate any psychological effect on their child later.   

2. Exploring Treatment Options

Seeking a second opinion will open the doors to various available treatment options tailored to your child’s ongoing symptoms. These additional treatment options will give a ray of hope to eliminate these ongoing conditions from your child’s life. 

D] Finding The Right Specialist

Despite advancements in technologies, complications in hypospadias surgery may occur. That’s why an experienced and well-certified pediatric surgeon is always suggested to mitigate the chances of any further complications. Look for a specialised surgeon with a high success rate in hypospadias surgery. The right specialist will aid in finding the reason behind the occurrence of problems after hypospadias surgery

E] What to Expect During the Second Opinion Consultation

1. Initial Evaluation

During the initial evaluation process, a doctor will go through your child’s previous diagnosis reports and may conduct a new diagnosis to get the current status. To accurately evaluate the reason behind the failure, make sure you have all the reports and treatment prescriptions.  During the consultation, the doctor may ask some questions regarding the condition or may perform a physical examination. 

2. Discussion Of Findings

These initial assessments will help a surgeon figure out the current condition and prescribe a tailored solution for your child’s problem. They will give an accurate overview of what went wrong and suggest suitable treatment options. They may suggest some extra tips for post hypospadias surgery to ensure proper healing, minimise discomfort and prevent any further complications. Later, you can ask any questions or concerns running through your mind and get clarification.

Is Your Child's Hypospadias Repair Failed?

Get a Second Opinion for Failed Hypospadias Repair


Getting a second opinion from a specialised hypospadias surgeon is an essential step that you must take to ensure your child’s health and well-being. The proper assessment and guidance will let you know the causes of the failed hypospadias revision surgery and suggest suitable treatment options. It is recommended to research and choose an experienced and qualified hypospadias surgeon with a high success rate for your second opinion consultation

Dr. Gursev is a highly experienced and qualified hypospadias surgeon renowned for children’s hypospadias repair with a high success rate. Contact us today to embark on a journey for your child’s brighter and happier tomorrow.

Hello, I'm Dr. Gursev Sandlas, a Pediatric Surgeon and Pediatric Urologist based in India. My areas of expertise include Pediatric Hepatobiliary surgery, minimal access surgery, and robotic procedures. Also, I offer specialized services in addressing bed-wetting issues and providing antenatal counseling.