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Long Term Complications Of Rectovestibular Fistula And Rectovaginal Fistulas

Long-Term Complications Of Rectovestibular Fistula And Rectovaginal Fistulas

Rectovaginal fistula and rectovestibular fistula are two distinct anorectal malformations (ARM) that affect women. Anorectal malformations are structural defects and abnormalities which occur in the lower body near the anus, rectum and reproductive organs. These defects can be congenital or occur in later stages of life due to various reasons.

A rectovaginal fistula is a condition in which a tear occurs between the rectum and the vagina creating a passageway/connection between them. Rectovestibular fistula is similar in terms that the passageway/connection occurs between the rectum and the vaginal vestibule. Rectovaginal fistula quality of life issues are very profound. And they can interfere with the passage of waste material, blood and other body materials, creating extreme discomfort and risks of infections in the long term. Continue reading this blog to understand the rectovaginal & rectovestibular fistula long-term issues, symptoms, treatment and appropriate preventive measures.

A] Risk Factors And Causes Of Rectovaginal Fistulas And Rectovestibular Fistula

Rectovaginal and rectovestibular fistulas can be caused due to various reasons and they are only found in female patients. The exact reason behind congenital rectovaginal & rectovestibular fistulas is still unknown; however, medical experts suggest that it might be caused by certain prescribed drugs, diet or the environment of the mother.

Rectovaginal fistula can be caused in adults due to various reasons such as complications during childbirth, inflammatory bowel disease or complications during pelvis surgery. Cancer and its treatment in the vagina, cervix, rectum, uterus, or anus can also cause small holes in the nearby organs, leading to rectovaginal & rectovestibular fistula.

B] Long-Term Complications of Rectovestibular Fistula And Rectovaginal Fistulas

Congenital rectovestibular fistula and rectovaginal fistulas are not life-threatening diseases; however, they can cause various issues for the child in the long run. If these fistulas are not diagnosed and treated early, they can cause irritation, severely impact the patient’s self-esteem and decrease the quality of life. These rectovestibular fistula concerns will not go away on their own and will stay well into adulthood if not treated in time.

1. Bowel-related complications, such as:

2. Urinary complications, including:

3. Sexual function and fertility issues, such as:

4. Psychological and emotional impact on patients due to chronic symptoms

Not treating the rectovaginal or rectovestibular fistula can have many long-term effects on the patient’s daily life which can degrade the patient’s mental and emotional health. The leakage of stool, gas or pus from the vagina and the foul odour that accompanies the vaginal discharge can make the patient self-conscious, affecting self-esteem.

The experience is also extremely discomforting and causes frequent irritation which makes the patient’s negative moods worse. Some patients completely avoid social interaction due to the fear of embarrassment which further impacts psychological well-being.

C] Treatment Options

Rehabilitation And Support For Patients

Patients who have undergone treatment completely heal their fistula and the chances of the fistula reopening are very slim. The patients must follow a multidisciplinary approach to after-surgery care to prevent fistulas from reopening. Here are some strategies and techniques which patients can use to prevent fistulas from opening again after a successful surgery.

Rehabilitation techniques and strategies for managing long-term complications, including:


Congenital rectovaginal or rectovestibular fistulas are known to cause psychological problems as well as affect the physical health of the patient. Recognising and addressing these rectovestibular fistula challenges and concerns early can improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent long-term health risks.

If you notice any symptoms of a fistula, do not waste any time seeking medical attention. Early medical intervention can easily manage and prevent fistula. If you are seeking an experienced medical professional for the diagnosis and treatment of rectovaginal or rectovestibular fistula, contact Dr. Gursev today!

Hello, I'm Dr. Gursev Sandlas, a Pediatric Surgeon and Pediatric Urologist based in India. My areas of expertise include Pediatric Hepatobiliary surgery, minimal access surgery, and robotic procedures. Also, I offer specialized services in addressing bed-wetting issues and providing antenatal counseling.

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